Mundi Limos creates monthly content for our Blog, investing a significant amount in advertisements for social networks and Google, in order to promote our digital marketing material. These ads are directed towards our content.

We are willing to integrate this content with your company!

Let’s talk about Backlinks!




Represents one of the most used words by those who live in the SEO world. The internal and external linking on Mundi Limos Blog pages is an important strategy to improve the search engine ranking and, consequently, bring a greater flow of visits to the website.


Are strategically placed links in a text that will lead the reader to your blog page or website, which should contain relevant information to what they are reading. The aim is not only to expand the reader’s knowledge but generate quality traffic to the Blog and increase the page ranking by suggesting websites that are specialized on the subject.

For example, any link placed on another website or blog that directs the user to your content, products and services is called backlink, and the number of backlinks directed to your blog serves as a thermometer to indicate the level of popularity or importance of your site.

These are the types of
backlinks we use:

Link Juice 
Is a link that leads the reader from a website to one of your blog articles, but they are not partners.

Internal Links
Are links that lead the user from one page to another within the same domain. These links allow you to link your own pages with relevant subjects, keeping the reader on your blog for longer.

Anchor Text 
Is part of a text used to make a hyperlink. This type works well when you are trying to gain relevance on certain keywords.

External Links 
Are page links that lead to other pages outside the domain. They are usually links to partner pages or that contain other relevant content to your readers. They can also be real references of quality content on the topic addressed.

Estes são os tipos de backlinks que usamos:
Por que os backlinks são tão importantes para uma estratégia de SEO?

Why are backlinks so important for an SEO strategy?

Backlinks are extremely important for SEO because some search engines, especially Google, lend more credibility to websites that provide a good number of quality backlinks (with a high degree of relevance), considering your Blog more important than others on the search results.

The number of links (mainly external) directed to your pages or content will continue to be used by Google to measure your page’s relevance.

So, it's not just the number of links that is considered, but from which websites they come from.

If your content is referred by another site with greater authority on the matter, the algorithm understands that this is a quality link and you gain more relevance.

Why should I partner with
Mundi Limos?

Offering relevant posts to other sites and blogs that have relevance on the subject you are addressing is essential to have greater visibility on the Internet. Even if you are a competitor, you can gain their attention and get good backlinks.

The opposite is also valid. You can offer a space so that other sites and blogs can write to you by linking back to their website.

Together we are stronger and good partnerships can be obtained to achieve quality backlinks.

Por que fazer uma parceria de conteúdos com a Mundi Limos?

Let's create and share content together!
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